21. kesäkuuta 2008

Lines You'll Never Hear on Prison Break... varastettu muualta.

Sucre: Screw Maricuz
Michael: Screw My Brother
Bill Kim: Screw 'The Company'
Pope: Screw The Law
Lincoln: Im Guilty
C-Note: Screw My Family
Abruzzi: Screw God
T-Bag: Screw Susan
Haywire: Screw Holland
Gretchen Morgan: Screw Whistler
General: Screw My Prison
LJ: Screw Pot
Sara: Screw My Head, It's not like I need it, and it will be a great pressie for Micheal.
Kellerman: Screw The Country


Miljoonia ihania avoja... Siksi teen aina kokoelma-kuvia.

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